Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quotes of the Week

"a lot of fake dudes confuse courage, with being heartless"
"a lot of people think theyre invisible, here's a bullet can you stop it"
"empathy makes a world a cold place, and the sun burns brighter with every smile"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Final weeks

Final Weeks Not
By: Cecilia Dandrades
As looking at my recent post Ive come to realize that the school year has come to an end. so much fun i have had, but so little time its heart breaking i will miss the new friends Ive come to embrace and the journey . so here i sit at this computer thinking about what i should type and realize to just let it flow with honesty.
The laughs Ive had and the smiles I put on peoples faces it almost sounds as if I'm a senior but I am not, I'm just a junior, so who am I kidding, I will make those memories again next year. loving the trouble I caused is my excuse for an adventure, and an adventure is what it was. I did unfortunately, do wrong in my junior year but as a senior I will put all the wrong doing behind me and do right for I make my future in my present. I never had writers block, never ever had an issue of typing so I have decided to make my career based on journalism. Some people don't do whats best for them or what they enjoy but I do, I like to have fun with what I do, if not I see no point. I am many things but what I am not is, clueless. I have a clue, I have common sense but I am lazy, although when I am in front of a keyboard I cant help but to pound on the keys and type away on what ever topic is presented before me. I am a writer with ambitions, I am dancer with strive and I am a person with choice.
When you look at life what do you see? I see variety I see diversity. There is always room for change and for improvement, why not make a difference. For all the great speeches and stories in life written on paper. writing offers a sense of privacy and confidence, I write because it gives me both, and so much more for I feel after I finish a story that seems great to me that i am on a cliff feeling the soft gentle breeze kiss my cheeks and soon to whisk me off into a sanctuary of secrecy. Just the sense of completion makes me feel this way. This on the embark of a new journey through my tall tale that wont end.

Quote of the Day

"Death is something that can no one heal, but love is something no one can steal"