Saturday, April 21, 2012

Never Good Enough

     As much as I try, its never good enough. I do nice things for others and its never appreciated, strike down is what it is. I don't know what is it when I just want to please others and do something and then I get taken advantage of and used, this is why I develop such tough skin and place a wall between me and the outside world that I chose not be apart of. I try to help others and then get taken for granted, I try to be caring and giving and I get mistreated and mocked, that is no way to treat someone. Tough skin is protection against those who will break me down or who will try, tough skin is my security blanket and tough skin is what I am thankful for. I am odd and what people call abnormal nothing in the norm, I am weird and indecisive and aggressive which makes me an odd girl. But who cares I've heard it all, its nothing new and to be frank I'm used to it.