Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8,2011 Long Time

Now for a while, Ive been under the impression that Ive been doing everything wrong. taking negative feedback and making it my reality. So as i go down the list of my pros and cons on myself; i see that my cons no longer out weigh my pros, is this a sign of maturity and positivity. I just got an epiphany, why didn't i remove myself from the situations that i allowed myself to get scrambled in, well for one i used to blame others for my failure and lack of hope and self-steam to stride for whats right for myself to do better. But what i needed was help with knowing that doing right was possible and correct. I sit and wonder about my future and weather i will have a place to rest my head at night and place i can call "home" its mind boggling and i cant seem to get these thoughts out my mind, they are so horrid. But lets see how i turn out.
Through my journey, having to be an adolescent teen and becoming my own woman i struggle and i can imagine how many other teenagers like myself do to, including adults. We live in a world with such worry and paranoia that its almost impossible to grasp a goodnight of sleep. i try to invision myself in others footprints and i realized the only time i can is when i see the snow on the ground and the footprints created by previous walkers and right then and there i step in someones footprints so i did walk in your steps. And i could imagine your climb but could you try to see mine. When i see a face and start to think what kind of life did you have, was it gruesome like mine, sweet and gentle like i wish my life could have been or just coarse.

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