Monday, May 17, 2010

Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax
By Cecilia Dandrades
In a world today, society has built our eyes to ignore a mans need for medical attention because of his financial class. As people walked along ignoring and shrugging away to this mans whimpering groans for help in pain, they seemed to not notice the pool of blood he was laying in and just notice his clothing.
What is the impression that someone homeless gives, let alone a man that is homeless also known as a "bum". I know because i saw what homeless people go through, Ive been to a shelter once in my life and stood for 2 weeks. Women pass by with there children and automatically assume that homeless people are dangerous and as for the men, they get dangerous, rapist and thieves. And I stand for that not being a fact just an ignorant opinion, you can have a completely wealthy man commit the same crimes that a homeless man is accused for. So because this opinion was put into place, some have chosen to not remember their values to let him rot, instead of notifying the authorities not knowing his wounds were so fatal. Causes of those wounds were of bravery and heart. At 144 st near 88th Road in Jamaica Queens; he aided a women who was being attacked and in his act of courage he was stabbed repeatedly until he fell. At 31, Hugo leaves a story of courage and value, leaves many guilty and serves those right. And here is his story of heroism.
In Memory of Hugo Alfredo Tale-YAX

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